Saturday, November 29, 2008

Are Our Lives That Meager?

The New York Times reports that a horde of shoppers trampled Jdimytai Damour, a Wal-Mart Employee, to death during Black Friday. Here is the entire story:

Wal-Mart Employee Trampled to Death

A forsenic question arises: who is at fault? Are all the shoppers who trampled the unfortunate man accountable for murder? It would be impractical, however, to round up all likely suspects and interrogate them, and witnesses, if there are any who were attentive, would have trouble recollecting what happened at the chaotic crime scene.

Consumerism is reaching a state of sheer madness--that is, if it has not already reached such a pinnacle. Will society crumble under this? I believe it will, for if such chaos and tragedy can arise from such inanity, our lives are nothing but meager. We must rectify ourselves and remember that we have dignity. Otherwise, we will lose everything.

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